We have started a mafia on YoVille
We rate each others house up and help each other here in YoVille
And if you mess with one of us you mess with all of us
We wear black and do everything mafia style
To join our mafia you buy in to your rank
The first rank being $10 YoVillian Guard
And you pay $10 more to go up in rank up to $90

$90 Capo Crimini/capo de tutti capi (super boss/bosses of bosses)

$80 Consigliere (advisor/family counselor)

$70 Capo Bastone (underboss, 2nd in command)

$60 Contabile (financial advisor)

$50 Caporegime or Capodecima (lieutenant)

$40 Sgarrista (a foot soldier who carries out day to day business of the family. A "made" member of the mafia)  

$30 Piciotto (lower-ranking soldiers; enforcers. Also known in the streets as the "button man")

$20 Giovane D'Honore (Mafia associate)

$10 YoVillian Guard (Bodyguard for the YoVillians)

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